Command Line

Instructions for running Video2X from the command line.

This page does not cover all the options available. For help with more options available, run Video2X with the --help argument.


Use the following command to upscale a video by 4x with RealESRGAN:

video2x -i input.mp4 -o output.mp4 -f realesrgan -r 4 -m realesr-animevideov3

Use the following command to upscale a video to with libplacebo + Anime4Kv4 Mode A+A:

video2x -i input.mp4 -o output.mp4 -f libplacebo -s anime4k-v4-a+a -w 3840 -h 2160


It is possible to specify custom MPV-compatible GLSL shader files with the --shader, -s argument:

video2x -i input.mp4 -o output.mp4 -f libplacebo -s path/to/custom/shader.glsl -w 3840 -h 2160

List the available GPUs with --list-gpus, -l:

$video2x --list-gpus
        Type: Discrete GPU
        Vulkan API Version: 1.3.289
        Driver Version: 565.228.64

Select which GPU to use with the --gpu, -g argument:

video2x -i input.mp4 -o output.mp4 -f realesrgan -r 4 -m realesr-animevideov3 -g 1

Specify arbitrary extra FFmepg encoder options with the --extra-encoder-options, -e argument:

video2x -i input.mkv -o output.mkv -f realesrgan -m realesrgan-plus -r 4 -c libx264rgb -e crf=17 -e preset=veryslow -e tune=film